Life insurance can help protect your family financially if anything happens to you.

What are the basics of Life Insurance

The basic concept of Life insurance is simple: a person (insured) and he contracts with a life insurance company (insurer) in return to provide a specified amount of money to people (beneficiaries) he or she designates in the even of the insured's death. The insured agrees to pay a specified amount of premium to the insurer to cover its costs of insurance.

Do you know the basics of health insurance?.

Health insurance basics. Health insurance doesn't always cover 100% of your costs. In fact, its designed to share costs wth you up until a certain point, called the out-of-pocket limit. After you hit the out-of-pocket limit, Health insurance will pay 100% of your healthcare costs..

Apply for Health insurance and get covered in minutes, if approved.

What should be included in basic home insurance coverage?

An HO-1 homeowner's insurance policy provides the most basic coverage. It typically covers damage caused by about 10 differenct events, including fire,lightning,windstorms,hail and explosions. An HO-1 policy usually covers smoke damage, explosions, damage casued by civil unrest and colcanic eruptions as well.

What to consider before buying auto insurance?

1) Plan ahead before you buy a new vehicle. Check with your agent or the company on how much it'll cost. 2) Consider changing your deductible. The higher your deductible amount. 3) Ask your insurer about any special discounts 4) Consider what you need, if you don't think you could afford to pay out-of-pocket

If you’re nearing your 65th birthday

You may be receiving more information on Medicare than you can shake a stick at. Simplified, Medicare is the federal health insurance program for U.S. citizens age 65 years and older. By 2009, more than 45 million people were enrolled in Medicare. Besides those over 65, Medicare covers people under 65 with qualifying medical conditions like End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

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Why Life ?

Why should you bother with life insurance? It provides the basis for your overall financial strategy and allows you to plan for the future. Every day individuals benefit from life insurance. They enjoy security and protection because family members or loved ones purchased policies before their deaths.

Accident Insurance

Accidents Can Happen Anytime, Anywhere

Get the Protection You Need

When accidents happen, they’re often followed by a series of bills. Even with sound health insurance, you can still have out-of-pocket expenses, such as doctor bills, ambulance charges and emergency room fees.

Critical Illness Insurance

Serious Illnesses Call for Serious Protection

Critical Illness Coverage Keeps You Financially Prepared

A serious illness can have a huge impact on more than just your health – it can also hurt your finances. Would you have the money to protect all you’ve worked for if you were to have a heart attack, stroke or other critical illness?

Disability Insurance

For most people, being out of work can mean a total loss of income, loss of buying power and depletion of savings to pay bills. Do you have enough savings to avoid hardship, if you were not able to work? If not, well-planned disability protection can offer the best way to replace your income and maintain your standard of living.